Dr. Miriam Garvi〔Director of the Vision Pioneers network. Affiliated researcher Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO) at Jönköping International Business School, Sweden〕
Dr. Garvi will share the story of Eden Foundation in Niger, an NGO founded by a Scandinavian couple in 1986 to research species that could revegetate the land and provide good, nourishing food without resorting to neither irrigation nor any other means of artificial support such as pesticides and fertilizers. Eden Farming is a thriving example of sustainable agriculture that has led to the flourishing of rural communities in a region the size of Taiwan.
Prof. Yongdrol K. Tsongkha(蘭州大學西北少數民族中心暨歷史文化學院教授,美國印第安那大學人類學系研究員)
The talk with a documentary film directed by Prof. Tsongkha himself will present a social, religious, and cultural history of the Sino-Tibetan borderlands from late middle age to present day. Beginning with historical archives from the explorations of the Western explorers such as J.E. Rock, conducted before 1920s, physical comparison between past and present locations will be highlighted. A discussion will follow.